yii\db\Command Object
    [_events:yii\base\Component:private] => Array

    [_eventWildcards:yii\base\Component:private] => Array

    [_behaviors:yii\base\Component:private] => 
    [db] => yii\db\Connection Object
            [_events:yii\base\Component:private] => Array

            [_eventWildcards:yii\base\Component:private] => Array

            [_behaviors:yii\base\Component:private] => Array

            [dsn] => pgsql:host=;port=5432;dbname=qsp
            [username] => postgres
            [password] => 31512520
            [attributes] => 
            [pdo] => PDO Object

            [enableSchemaCache] => 
            [schemaCacheDuration] => 3600
            [schemaCacheExclude] => Array

            [schemaCache] => cache
            [enableQueryCache] => 1
            [queryCacheDuration] => 3600
            [queryCache] => cache
            [charset] => utf8
            [emulatePrepare] => 1
            [tablePrefix] => 
            [schemaMap] => Array
                    [pgsql] => yii\db\pgsql\Schema
                    [mysqli] => yii\db\mysql\Schema
                    [mysql] => yii\db\mysql\Schema
                    [sqlite] => yii\db\sqlite\Schema
                    [sqlite2] => yii\db\sqlite\Schema
                    [sqlsrv] => yii\db\mssql\Schema
                    [oci] => yii\db\oci\Schema
                    [mssql] => yii\db\mssql\Schema
                    [dblib] => yii\db\mssql\Schema
                    [cubrid] => yii\db\cubrid\Schema

            [pdoClass] => 
            [commandClass] => yii\db\Command
            [commandMap] => Array
                    [pgsql] => yii\db\Command
                    [mysqli] => yii\db\Command
                    [mysql] => yii\db\Command
                    [sqlite] => yii\db\sqlite\Command
                    [sqlite2] => yii\db\sqlite\Command
                    [sqlsrv] => yii\db\Command
                    [oci] => yii\db\oci\Command
                    [mssql] => yii\db\Command
                    [dblib] => yii\db\Command
                    [cubrid] => yii\db\Command

            [enableSavepoint] => 1
            [serverStatusCache] => cache
            [serverRetryInterval] => 600
            [enableSlaves] => 1
            [slaves] => Array

            [slaveConfig] => Array

            [masters] => Array

            [masterConfig] => Array

            [shuffleMasters] => 1
            [enableLogging] => 1
            [enableProfiling] => 1
            [isSybase] => 
            [_queryBuilderConfigurations:yii\db\Connection:private] => Array

            [_transaction:yii\db\Connection:private] => 
            [_schema:yii\db\Connection:private] => yii\db\pgsql\Schema Object
                    [db] => yii\db\Connection Object
                    [defaultSchema] => public
                    [exceptionMap] => Array
                            [SQLSTATE[23] => yii\db\IntegrityException

                    [columnSchemaClass] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema
                    [tableQuoteCharacter:protected] => "
                    [columnQuoteCharacter:protected] => "
                    [_schemaNames:yii\db\Schema:private] => 
                    [_tableNames:yii\db\Schema:private] => Array

                    [_tableMetadata:yii\db\Schema:private] => Array
                            [call_sign] => Array
                                    [schema] => yii\db\TableSchema Object
                                            [schemaName] => public
                                            [name] => call_sign
                                            [fullName] => call_sign
                                            [primaryKey] => Array
                                                    [0] => id

                                            [sequenceName] => call_sign_id_seq
                                            [foreignKeys] => Array
                                                    [FK_call_sign_users_to_user] => Array
                                                            [0] => user
                                                            [id_user] => id


                                            [columns] => Array
                                                    [id] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => id
                                                            [allowNull] => 
                                                            [type] => integer
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int4
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 32
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 1
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 1
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => call_sign_id_seq

                                                    [id_user] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => id_user
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => integer
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int4
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 32
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => Владелец
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [name] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => name
                                                            [allowNull] => 
                                                            [type] => string
                                                            [phpType] => string
                                                            [dbType] => varchar
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 25
                                                            [precision] => 
                                                            [scale] => 
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => Позывной сигнал
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [validity_start] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => validity_start
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => integer
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int4
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 32
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => Начало действия
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [validity_stop] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => validity_stop
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => integer
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int4
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 32
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => Конец действия
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [location] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => location
                                                            [allowNull] => 
                                                            [type] => string
                                                            [phpType] => string
                                                            [dbType] => varchar
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 25
                                                            [precision] => 
                                                            [scale] => 
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => Локатор
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [rda] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => rda
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => string
                                                            [phpType] => string
                                                            [dbType] => varchar
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 25
                                                            [precision] => 
                                                            [scale] => 
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => RDA
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [status] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => status
                                                            [allowNull] => 
                                                            [type] => smallint
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int2
                                                            [defaultValue] => 10
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 16
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [type] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => type
                                                            [allowNull] => 
                                                            [type] => smallint
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int2
                                                            [defaultValue] => 10
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 16
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [created_at] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => created_at
                                                            [allowNull] => 
                                                            [type] => integer
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int4
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 32
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [updated_at] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => updated_at
                                                            [allowNull] => 
                                                            [type] => integer
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int4
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 32
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [cqz] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => cqz
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => smallint
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int2
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 16
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [ituz] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => ituz
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => smallint
                                                            [phpType] => integer
                                                            [dbType] => int2
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 
                                                            [precision] => 16
                                                            [scale] => 0
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [qso_background] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => qso_background
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => string
                                                            [phpType] => string
                                                            [dbType] => varchar
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 225
                                                            [precision] => 
                                                            [scale] => 
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 

                                                    [docs] => yii\db\pgsql\ColumnSchema Object
                                                            [name] => docs
                                                            [allowNull] => 1
                                                            [type] => string
                                                            [phpType] => string
                                                            [dbType] => varchar
                                                            [defaultValue] => 
                                                            [enumValues] => 
                                                            [size] => 255
                                                            [precision] => 
                                                            [scale] => 
                                                            [isPrimaryKey] => 
                                                            [autoIncrement] => 
                                                            [unsigned] => 
                                                            [comment] => 
                                                            [dimension] => 0
                                                            [disableJsonSupport] => 
                                                            [disableArraySupport] => 
                                                            [deserializeArrayColumnToArrayExpression] => 1
                                                            [sequenceName] => 





                    [_builder:yii\db\Schema:private] => yii\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder Object
                            [db] => yii\db\Connection Object
                            [separator] =>  
                            [typeMap] => Array
                                    [pk] => serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
                                    [upk] => serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
                                    [bigpk] => bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
                                    [ubigpk] => bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
                                    [char] => char(1)
                                    [string] => varchar(255)
                                    [text] => text
                                    [tinyint] => smallint
                                    [smallint] => smallint
                                    [integer] => integer
                                    [bigint] => bigint
                                    [float] => double precision
                                    [double] => double precision
                                    [decimal] => numeric(10,0)
                                    [datetime] => timestamp(0)
                                    [timestamp] => timestamp(0)
                                    [time] => time(0)
                                    [date] => date
                                    [binary] => bytea
                                    [boolean] => boolean
                                    [money] => numeric(19,4)
                                    [json] => jsonb

                            [conditionBuilders:protected] => Array

                            [conditionClasses:protected] => Array
                                    [NOT] => yii\db\conditions\NotCondition
                                    [AND] => yii\db\conditions\AndCondition
                                    [OR] => yii\db\conditions\OrCondition
                                    [BETWEEN] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition
                                    [NOT BETWEEN] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition
                                    [IN] => yii\db\conditions\InCondition
                                    [NOT IN] => yii\db\conditions\InCondition
                                    [LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
                                    [NOT LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
                                    [OR LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
                                    [OR NOT LIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
                                    [EXISTS] => yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition
                                    [NOT EXISTS] => yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition
                                    [ILIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
                                    [NOT ILIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
                                    [OR ILIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition
                                    [OR NOT ILIKE] => yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition

                            [expressionBuilders:protected] => Array
                                    [yii\db\Query] => yii\db\QueryExpressionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\PdoValue] => yii\db\PdoValueBuilder
                                    [yii\db\Expression] => yii\db\ExpressionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\NotCondition] => yii\db\conditions\NotConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\AndCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionConditionBuilder Object
                                            [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder Object

                                    [yii\db\conditions\OrCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ConjunctionConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\BetweenCondition] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\InCondition] => yii\db\conditions\InConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\LikeCondition] => yii\db\conditions\LikeConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\ExistsCondition] => yii\db\conditions\ExistsConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\SimpleCondition] => yii\db\conditions\SimpleConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\conditions\HashCondition] => yii\db\conditions\HashConditionBuilder Object
                                            [queryBuilder:protected] => yii\db\pgsql\QueryBuilder Object

                                    [yii\db\conditions\BetweenColumnsCondition] => yii\db\conditions\BetweenColumnsConditionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\ArrayExpression] => yii\db\pgsql\ArrayExpressionBuilder
                                    [yii\db\JsonExpression] => yii\db\pgsql\JsonExpressionBuilder


                    [_serverVersion:yii\db\Schema:private] => 14.11 (Ubuntu 14.11-0ubuntu0.22.04.1)
                    [typeMap] => Array
                            [bit] => integer
                            [bit varying] => integer
                            [varbit] => integer
                            [bool] => boolean
                            [boolean] => boolean
                            [box] => string
                            [circle] => string
                            [point] => string
                            [line] => string
                            [lseg] => string
                            [polygon] => string
                            [path] => string
                            [character] => char
                            [char] => char
                            [bpchar] => char
                            [character varying] => string
                            [varchar] => string
                            [text] => text
                            [bytea] => binary
                            [cidr] => string
                            [inet] => string
                            [macaddr] => string
                            [real] => float
                            [float4] => float
                            [double precision] => double
                            [float8] => double
                            [decimal] => decimal
                            [numeric] => decimal
                            [money] => money
                            [smallint] => smallint
                            [int2] => smallint
                            [int4] => integer
                            [int] => integer
                            [integer] => integer
                            [bigint] => bigint
                            [int8] => bigint
                            [oid] => bigint
                            [smallserial] => smallint
                            [serial2] => smallint
                            [serial4] => integer
                            [serial] => integer
                            [bigserial] => bigint
                            [serial8] => bigint
                            [pg_lsn] => bigint
                            [date] => date
                            [interval] => string
                            [time without time zone] => time
                            [time] => time
                            [time with time zone] => time
                            [timetz] => time
                            [timestamp without time zone] => timestamp
                            [timestamp] => timestamp
                            [timestamp with time zone] => timestamp
                            [timestamptz] => timestamp
                            [abstime] => timestamp
                            [tsquery] => string
                            [tsvector] => string
                            [txid_snapshot] => string
                            [unknown] => string
                            [uuid] => string
                            [json] => json
                            [jsonb] => json
                            [xml] => string

                    [_viewNames:yii\db\pgsql\Schema:private] => Array


            [_driverName:yii\db\Connection:private] => pgsql
            [_master:yii\db\Connection:private] => 
            [_slave:yii\db\Connection:private] => 
            [_queryCacheInfo:yii\db\Connection:private] => Array

            [_quotedTableNames:yii\db\Connection:private] => Array
                    [call_sign] => "call_sign"
                    [russia_counter_mode_view] => "russia_counter_mode_view"
                    [russia_statistic_view] => "russia_statistic_view"
                    [c] => "c"
                    [russia_counter_band_view] => "russia_counter_band_view"

            [_quotedColumnNames:yii\db\Connection:private] => Array
                    [id] => "id"
                    [id_operator] => "id_operator"
                    [mode] => "mode"
                    [band] => "band"


    [pdoStatement] => 
    [fetchMode] => 2
    [params] => Array

    [queryCacheDuration] => 
    [queryCacheDependency] => 
    [pendingParams:protected] => Array

    [_sql:yii\db\Command:private] => SELECT COUNT(distinct(rdxc)) FROM "russia_statistic_view" WHERE "id_operator" = 1
    [_refreshTableName:yii\db\Command:private] => 
    [_isolationLevel:yii\db\Command:private] => 
    [_retryHandler:yii\db\Command:private] => 